Listing IDNameTarget PriceGross RevenueEBITDATarget Price / RevenueTarget Price / EBITDATypeCountryDetail
Listing ID
Target Price
Gross Revenue
Target Price / Revenue
Target Price / EBITDA
Listing ID
Target Price
Gross Revenue
Target Price / Revenue
Target Price / EBITDA
L#20250856 Cybersecurity Services Company $25,644,956 $17,496,854 $1,398,816 1.47x 18.33x Services India
L#20250855 Fast Growing Full Service Digital Agency $10,500,000 $3,481,537 $2,017,294 3.02x 5.2x Internet Businesses United States
L#20250854 Leading Industrial Laundry Business €1,500,000 TBD TBD Services Portugal
L#20250853 Luxembourg-Based Alternative Investment Fund (AIF) TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Luxembourg
L#20250852 Leading Sunflower Processing Business €6,300,000 €1,120,000 €1,120,000 5.63x 5.63x Manufacturing Moldova
L#20250851 3.295MW Photovoltaic Operational PV Solar Power Plant Delivery [Q2-2026] €4,165,243 €904,160 €754,974 4.61x 5.52x Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250850 Leading Online SAAS Selling Power Points PPTX Presentations and Slides $28,000,000 $4,250,000 $4,000,000 6.59x 7x Software & SAAS United States
L#20250849 50-Year-Old Italian Automotive Manufacturing Business of Vehicle Bodies and Trailers €12,500,000 €6,649,967 €2,195,820 1.88x 5.69x Manufacturing Italy
L#20250848 Leading US Staffing and Temporary Labor Market Business $13,900,000 $14,500,000 $1,850,000 0.96x 7.51x Services United States
L#20250847 Banking License in Saint Lucia (Class A) TBD TBD TBD Banks Saint Lucia
L#20250846 Official Accredited British Higher Education Institution Specializing in Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees TBD TBD TBD Education United Kingdom
L#20250845 20-Year Old well-established textile manufacturing business $35,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Pakistan
L#20250843 920kW Italian Hydroelectric Hydro Power Plant €7,750,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250842 International Freight Forwarding & Transport Business €5,000,000 TBD TBD Transportation Slovakia
L#20250840 Licensed European Payment Institution €4,000,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Lithuania
L#20250839 Software Development Company TBD $3,600,000 TBD TBD Software & SAAS Vietnam
L#20250838 Operational Hydropower Plant €3,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Bulgaria
L#20250837 Established Profitable Logistics Business €125,000,000 €100,000,000 €5,500,000 1.25x 22.73x Logistics Company Italy
L#20250836 Mechanical Components Manufacturing Company €7,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Poland
L#20250835 Professional League 3 Football Soccer Club $1,200,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Portugal
L#20250834 Licensed Swiss Pharmaceutical Wholesale Business TBD TBD TBD Pharma Switzerland
L#20250833 Organic Food Producer and Exporter $2,000,000 $3,500,000 0.57x TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20250832 High-Growth Functional Snack Brand TBD TBD TBD Food & Beverage United States
L#20250831 Ready Made Swiss Limited Company with Bank Account TBD TBD TBD Shell Company Switzerland
L#20250830 10-Year Old Global Accommodation Booking Travel Platform $5,000,000 $4,500,000 1.11x TBD Internet Businesses Austria
L#20250829 Swiss investment firm listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20250828 Full-Service Trucking & Logistics Hub in South Florida $5,500,000 TBD TBD Services United States
L#20250825 8,2 MWp Operational PV Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant $8,950,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250824 2.99 MWp Italian PV Photovoltaic Project RTB + Land + EPC €4,109,446 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250823 2.33 MWp Italian PV Photovoltaic Project RTB TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250822 6.627 MWp Italian PV Photovoltaic Project RTB TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250821 Leading Marine and Yacht Engines & Parts Business $3,200,000 TBD TBD Yatch & Boat Servicing & Repairs United States
L#20250819 Leading Business Process Services Company $25,000,000 $16,800,000 $3,000,000 1.49x 8.33x Services Brazil
L#20250817 High-Value Polymetallic Mining Project TBD TBD TBD Mining Businesses Austria
L#20250816 Innovative and Sustainable Packaging Manufacturer €4,950,000 €8,500,000 €850,000 0.58x 5.82x Manufacturing Italy
L#20250815 1.33 MWp PV Photovoltaic Project TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20250813 20-Years Old German BPO Call Center With a Range of Services TBD TBD TBD Call Center Germany
L#20250812 Swiss Fiduciary Business with FINMA Licence Fr.500,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20250811 7-Years Old Leading Company Specializing in Staffing Services for Hospitals €12,500,000 €12,000,000 €3,700,000 1.04x 3.38x Services Germany
L#20250810 Profitable Wood Products Company $13,000,000 $4,300,000 $1,634,000 3.02x 7.96x Manufacturing Slovakia
L#20250809 Real Estate Operative Société Anonyme Monégasque (SAM) TBD €7,000,000 €500,000 TBD TBD Services Monaco
L#20250808 Fully Licensed & Active Swiss Asset Management Business Fr.550,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240807 Ready-made Company with Swiss Bank Account TBA TBD TBD Shell Company Switzerland
L#20240806 Licensed Asset Management AIFC Business $1,000,000 TBD TBD Asset Management Kazakhstan
L#20240804 Historical High End Luxury E-Commerce Business €10,000,000 €5,798,453 1.72x TBD E-commerce Business Germany
L#20240803 6-Years-Old FINMA Swiss Wealth Management Trustee Business TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240802 5MW Operational Wind Farm Power Station $4,000,000 $585,000 $346,000 6.84x 11.56x Renewable Energy Kazakhstan
L#20240801 FINMA Swiss Asset Management + British Virgin Islands (BVI) Master Fund + Compartments (FATCA Compliance) TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240800 2.25MW Photovoltaic Solar Power Plant Project PAS + EPC €2,785,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240799 50 Years Old Swiss AG Mantelgesellschaft Shell company TBD TBD TBD Shell Company Switzerland
L#20240798 Family Home Contractor Service Business $39,000,000 $61,444,705 $3,811,401 0.63x 10.23x Services United States
L#20240797 Belize International Financial Services Commission License (IFSC) + MT4 License $500,000 TBD TBD Shell Company Belize
L#20240796 Material Handling Equipment Rental Company $8,675,000 $3,733,439 $1,084,264 2.32x 8x Services Brazil
L#20240794 Nearshore Call Center Outsourcing & BPO Services $12,000,000 $7,400,000 $1,600,000 1.62x 7.5x Call Center Mexico
L#20240793 Historical British National League South Soccer Club ₤5,000,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs United Kingdom
L#20240792 Italian Smart E-Mobility Electro-Vehicles Business €2,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20240790 Historical American General Contract Construction Business for US GOV $1,000,000 $4,005,080 0.25x TBD Services United States
L#20240789 70-Years-Old American Producer and Wholesaler of Pre-Packaged Foods $2,000,000 $5,700,000 $426,000 0.35x 4.69x Manufacturing United States
L#20240788 Professional Turkish Third Division Soccer Club €2,750,000 €435,094 6.32x TBD Football Clubs Turkey
L#20240787 American Apparel Manufacturing Business $3,700,000 $3,821,000 $731,499 0.97x 5.06x Manufacturing United States
L#20240786 US Thriving Cattle Auction Business with Strong Revenue Growth, Strategic Location $10,300,000 $5,037,400 $2,092,379 2.04x 4.92x Retail Miscellaneous United States
L#20240784 150-Years-Old Professional Soccer Team Excellence in England’s National League South ₤4,900,000 ₤1,500,000 3.27x TBD Football Clubs United Kingdom
L#20240783 3-Year-Old E-Commerce Health & Nutritional Supplement Business AU$7,000,000 AU$2,800,000 AU$1,400,000 2.5x 5x Internet Businesses Australia
L#20240782 Established Car Monitoring App $1,900,000 $1,027,564 $603,159 1.85x 3.15x Internet Businesses United Kingdom
L#20240781 Portfolio of iOS Utility Apps $1,500,000 $694,580 $416,159 2.16x 3.6x Internet Businesses United Arab Emirates
L#20240780 iOS App LED Light Strip Controller $1,975,000 $661,416 $420,536 2.99x 4.7x Internet Businesses United Arab Emirates
L#20240779 Successful iOS/Android/Web App offering Math Solutions Help & Expert Chat $3,300,000 $7,694,604 $0 0.43x 3300000x Internet Businesses United Kingdom
L#20240778 Apple Watch Faces & Portfolio of iOS Utility Apps $2,200,000 $507,465 $466,845 4.34x 4.71x Internet Businesses United Arab Emirates
L#20240777 Brand New Swiss Asset Management Company TBD TBD TBD Asset Management Switzerland
L#20240776 Established European Logistic Business offering freight transport by road €750,000 TBD TBD Logistics Company Latvia
L#20240775 Travel Agency Business $3,000,000 $12,298,208 0.24x TBD Services Saudi Arabia
L#20240774 Small Group of Casinos TBD TBD TBD Casino Jamaica
L#20240773 4,98MW + 3,29MW PV Photovoltaic Co-Development Project €2,150,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240772 Affordable Web Hosting & VPS Service Business TBD TBD TBD Hosting Businesses United States
L#20240771 Offline and Online Casino $5,000,000 TBD TBD Casino Kenya
L#20240770 Curacao Online Gambling License TBD TBD TBD Casino Curacao
L#20240767 London Based Financial Para-Banking Firm ₤2,500,000 TBD TBD Financial Services United Kingdom
L#20240766 Swiss Private Higher Education Institute Fr.15,000,000 Fr.2,000,000 7.5x TBD Education Switzerland
L#20240765 Crypto Exchange Technology with VASP Czech License TBD TBD TBD Fintech Czech Republic
L#20240764 Historical North Italian Soccer Club €9,500,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20240763 Serie A Italian Professional Soccer Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20240762 Indian Super League FC Seeking Growth Capital TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs India
L#20240761 105MW RTB Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant €12,705,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Romania
L#20240758 4x PV Operational Photovoltaic Power Plants €5,900,000 €1,688,744 3.49x TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240757 UK EMI High-Growth Digital Financial Services Company TBD ₤4,280,000 ₤451,000 TBD TBD Financial Services United Kingdom
L#20240756 Multinational Award-Winning Digital Commerce Solutions Provider Specializing in Magento, Adobe Commerce, and Shopify Plus TBD $3,036,011 TBD TBD Software & SAAS United States
L#20240755 Société Anonyme Monégasque SAM Monaco TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Monaco
L#20240754 20-Year Old Pastry Food Ingredient Manufacturing Business TBD $6,715,207 $1,680,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20240753 54-Year-Old Screws & Rivets Manufacturing Company TBD $10,000,000 $2,200,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20240752 75M Downloads Instagram App SAAS $62,500,000 $13,920,151 $11,882,890 4.49x 5.26x Software & SAAS United States
L#20240751 Historical Luxury Tower Hospitality Business $1,500,000 TBD TBD Hotels & Real Estate Italy
L#20240749 25MW Solar Photovoltaic Project TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Croatia
L#20240748 25MWp Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Croatia
L#20240747 50-Year-Old Cardboard box and flexible packaging Manufacturing Business €9,500,000 €12,000,000 €1,600,000 0.79x 5.94x Manufacturing Bulgaria
L#20240746 540MWp Offshore Wind Farm €1,350,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240744 989kW + 630kW 2x HPP Operational Hydro Power Plants €3,750,000 €720,939 5.2x TBD Renewable Energy Serbia
L#20240743 Swiss Para-Banking Forex, Money Transfer & CC Company with sub-accts Fr.700,000 TBD TBD Asset Management Switzerland
L#20240742 50+Year Old Vintage Swiss Trust Company with a Para-Banking-License & Crypto Fr.850,000 TBD TBD Asset Management Switzerland
L#20240741 Industrial Cannabis Grow and processing facility Center $25,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing United States
L#20240740 6 MW PV Italian Photovoltaic Project $15,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240739 Latin America BPO with a Robust Track Record $35,000,000 $25,872,602 $4,985,000 1.35x 7.02x Call Center United States
L#20240738 Italian BPO Call Center Business €1,500,000 €2,500,000 0.6x TBD Call Center Italy
L#20240736 Data Security Software Solution TBD TBD TBD Software & SAAS United Kingdom
L#20240735 Leading BPO Business $16,800,000 $10,600,000 $2,800,000 1.58x 6x Call Center United Kingdom
L#20240734 Customer Service & Collections Solutions Company $3,500,000 $4,678,362 $577,430 0.75x 6.06x Call Center Argentina
L#20240733 Italian Historical Football Club €2,500,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20240731 Portfolio of 2x HPP in Italy (106KW / 1290MW) €3,000,000 €610,130 4.92x TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240730 84 MW PV Photovoltaic Park TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Romania
L#20240729 150 MW Solar RTB Project TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Montenegro
L#20240728 Leading Chrome Ore Production Business $17,500,000 $9,500,000 $2,500,000 1.84x 7x Mining Businesses Turkey
L#20240727 Portfolio of 2x Software & IT Companies $30,000,000 $9,235,758 $1,578,211 3.25x 19.01x Software & SAAS Costa Rica
L#20240726 Czech Soccer Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Czech Republic
L#20240725 High End Monaco Based Merino Wool Fashion Brand TBD TBD TBD Fashion Retailer Monaco
L#20240724 62.50 MW PV Photovoltaic Project $8,500,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Kyrgyzstan
L#20240723 15-Year-Old Call Center $2,000,000 TBD TBD Call Center Philippines
L#20240722 High End Italian Luxury Road Bike Brand €1,250,000 €1,000,000 1.25x TBD Fashion Retailer Italy
L#20240720 Micro Personal Financial Loan Company TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Thailand
L#20240718 Licensed Asset Management Business TBA TBD TBD Asset Management Belize
L#20240717 Established Indian Call Center ₤4,000,000 TBD TBD Call Center India
L#20240716 Water Bottling Company TBD TBD TBD Manufacturing Croatia
L#20240714 15-Year-Old Eastern European Linux Shared Web Hosting Business €4,500,000 €1,200,000 €600,000 3.75x 7.5x Hosting Businesses Romania
L#20240713 3 MW PV Italian Photovoltaic Project TBA TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240712 Full-Service Roofing Company TBD TBD TBD Construction Company United States
L#20240711 Comprehensive VPS Hosting Cloud Solutions Provider Company TBD $600,000 TBD TBD Hosting Businesses Moldova
L#20240709 Renowned Italian Artisanal Pasta Manufacturing Business TBD €1,300,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20240706 Historical English Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs United Kingdom
L#20240705 8.3 MW Operational Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants €5,500,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Macedonia
L#20240703 Food Supplements Business $4,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20240702 Licensed American University in Florida U.S $1,660,000 TBD TBD Education United States
L#20240701 Metal Processing Company $20,000,000 $17,000,000 $3,422,000 1.18x 5.84x Manufacturing Croatia
L#20240700 Ambitious Italian FC Seeks Growth Funding TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20240699 350MW PV Ready to Build Project TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Romania
L#20240697 Historical Series C Italian Soccer Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20240696 US Oilfield Wireline $8,500,000 TBD TBD Oil Production Company United States
L#20240695 50-Year-Old Historical Women’s apparel Manufacturing Business €8,000,000 €2,000,000 4x TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20240694 Investment Dealer License in Mauritius (FSP) $700,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Mauritius
L#20240692 Para-Banking operating Swiss Asset Management & Crypto Company TBD TBD TBD Asset Management Switzerland
L#20240691 Firmly Established Indian Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs India
L#20240690 Historical Established Shipyard €4,750,000 TBD TBD Yatch & Boat Servicing & Repairs Italy
L#20240689 Hardscape & Landscaping Company $3,990,000 TBD TBD Construction Project United States
L#20240685 Bottled Water and Non-Alcoholic Beverages $8,500,000 TBD TBD Food & Beverage Serbia
L#20240683 Italian Manufacturer of Dietary Supplements and Beauty Products TBA TBD TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20240680 Frozen Food Processing Business $55,000,000 $81,740,344 $4,208,635 0.67x 13.07x Manufacturing Canada
L#20240679 30-Year-Old Historic company producing make-up stations and illuminated mirrors TBD TBD TBD Manufacturing San Marino
L#20240678 Electronic Money Institution license in Lithuania €2,000,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Lithuania
L#20240677 Puerto Rico Banking Licence $4,000,000 TBD TBD Banks Puerto Rico
L#20240675 ERP Software Company TBD TBD TBD Software & SAAS Turkey
L#20240674 Food Support Supplements Manufacturing Business $7,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20240673 Steel Construction Structures Manufacturing Factory TBD TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20240672 Licensed Swiss payment and banking services company with Fintech platform Fr.1,200,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240671 Profitable Demolition, Dismantling, Salvage and Recycling Service Business $14,995,000 $39,000,000 $5,400,000 0.38x 2.78x Services United States
L#20240670 25-Year-Old American General Contractor $24,000,000 $23,427,000 $10,575,000 1.02x 2.27x Services United States
L#20240668 Italian Professional Serie D Soccer Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20240666 Stainless Steel Bathroom Accessories Manufacturing Business $5,000,000 $1,991,900 2.51x TBD Manufacturing Bulgaria
L#20240665 60-HA Italian Hazelnuts Production Business $1,750,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Kazakhstan
L#20240664 Licensed Apparel Wholesaler $1,500,000 $4,182,000 0.36x TBD Retail Miscellaneous United States
L#20240663 Independent Trust Business ₤4,900,000 ₤1,840,000 ₤650,000 2.66x 7.54x Financial Services Jersey
L#20240662 Armenian Banking Licence TBD TBD TBD Banks Armenia
L#20240661 20,9MW Portfolio of Turkish Hydro Power Plants TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Turkey
L#20240659 Established Maltese Shelf company TBD TBD TBD Shelf Companies Malta
L#20240658 Para-Banking operating Swiss Asset Management & Remittance Company FINMA Fr.849,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240657 6.7MW WPP Wind Power Plant €1,850,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240656 Ukrainian Banking Licence $8,000,000 TBD TBD Banks Ukraine
L#20240654 American Portfolio of 50x E-Commerce Stores $5,000,000 $14,000,000 $1,100,000 0.36x 4.55x E-commerce Business United States
L#20240653 Leading Service Company active in Installation and construction of electrical systems in buildings €95,000,000 €46,000,000 €11,000,000 2.07x 8.64x Services Italy
L#20240651 50MW Montenegrin PV Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Montenegro
L#20240650 High End Luxury Cosmetic Brand €5,000,000 €1,200,000 4.17x TBD Cosmetic Company Spain
L#20240649 French Legendary Championnat National 2 Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs France
L#20240648 6.40MW Italian PV Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant TBA TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240646 5,4MW Hydro Power Plant HPP $8,990,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Kyrgyzstan
L#20240645 Meat & Produce Retailer with Half-Century’s Establishment $2,150,000 TBD TBD Retail Miscellaneous United States
L#20240644 130+ Year-Old Swiss Luxury Patented Watches Brand TBD TBD TBD Retail Miscellaneous Switzerland
L#20240643 Swiss Para-Banking Financial Services Business with payment services (SRO Licence) TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240642 19.6 MW Biomass Power Plant for Sale in the U.S $25,000,000 $18,356,578 $2,293,868 1.36x 10.9x Renewable Energy United States
L#20240641 Established Puerto Rico Bank $60,000,000 $6,325,390 $3,203,047 9.49x 18.73x Banks Puerto Rico
L#20240640 Lithuanian Electronic Money Institution (EMI) $7,500,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Lithuania
L#20240639 Leading Salt Manufacturing Business €11,000,000 €950,000 11.58x TBD Manufacturing Egypt
L#20240638 Swiss Light Fintech Banking Licence $750,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20240637 Fintech Company Offering AI-Powered Instant Credit Services TBD $2,921,742 $1,465,080 TBD TBD Financial Services Singapore
L#20240636 Football Club Opportunity with New Stadium Development Potential ₤2,500,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs United Kingdom
L#20240635 Math Solutions Help & Expert Chat App $5,000,000 $7,839,046 $1,143,749 0.64x 4.37x E-commerce Business United Kingdom
L#20240634 100MW WPP Wind Power Plant + GOV PPA TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Kazakhstan
L#20240633 Liechtenstein Fond SICAV AGmvK TBA TBD TBD Financial Services Liechtenstein
L#20240632 20MW Kazakh PV Photovoltaic Power Plant + GOV PPA TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Kazakhstan
L#20240631 RAIF Luxembourg Fund SCA SICAV TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Luxembourg
L#20240630 70-Year-Old National League North UK Soccer Club ₤800,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs United Kingdom
L#20240629 Marble Quarry Business TBD TBD TBD Mining Businesses Turkey
L#20240628 Bread Producer Company TBD TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20240627 20+ Year-Old Italian Leading Sportswear Retailer Business €39,000,000 €108,000,000 €8,000,000 0.36x 4.88x Retail Miscellaneous Italy
L#20240626 Real Estate Developer, Broker, Manager & General Contractor business TBD TBD TBD Services Switzerland
L#20240625 Swiss Crypto Exchange, Payment Processing & Wallet Management Fr.2,950,000 TBD TBD Asset Management Switzerland
L#20240623 15-Years-Old Italian Luxury Fashion Brand TBA TBD TBD Fashion Retailer Italy
L#20240621 3x 28MW + 31MW + 31MW Wind Power Plants Pipeline TBD TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20240619 Leading Research BioTech Company TBA TBD TBD Pharma United States
L#20240617 Poultry and Egg Production Business $100,000,000 $81,000,000 $65,000,000 1.23x 1.54x Manufacturing Azerbaijan
L#20240616 Established Bank for sale in Virginia, United States of America TBA TBD TBD Banks United States
L#20240615 Bank for sale in New York, United States of America TBA TBD TBD Banks United States
L#20240614 Bank for Sale in Wyoming, United States of America TBA TBD TBD Banks United States
L#20240613 Established Bank for sale in Minnesota, United States of America TBA TBD TBD Banks United States
L#20240612 Bank for Sale in Michigan, United States of America TBA TBD TBD Banks United States
L#20240611 40-Year-Old Saudi Bakery Business $37,000,000 $6,000,000 6.17x TBD Manufacturing Saudi Arabia
L#20240610 Commercial Stevedoring Private Port Business $2,000,000,000 TBD TBD Port Romania
L#20240608 Diagnostic Clinic for Internal Diseases with Exceptional Reputation €1,880,000 €1,000,000 1.88x TBD Medical Businesses Albania
L#20240606 Lithuanian Legendary First Division Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Lithuania
L#20240605 Historical Pharma Manufacturing Business $1,050,000,000 $306,500,000 $87,500,000 3.43x 12x Pharma India
L#20240604 Water Source Business $31,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Belgium
L#20240601 163MW Wind & Solar Power Plant Portfolio TBA TBD TBD Renewable Energy Turkey
L#20240600 50MW Hydro Power Plant with GOV PPA – 87 USD/MW for 20-Years TBA TBD TBD Renewable Energy Kazakhstan
L#20240599 Construction and Maintenance Business of sewage systems, aqueducts, gas pipelines, and district heating €12,500,000 €16,838,434 €3,162,185 0.74x 3.95x Construction Company Italy
L#20240598 Leading Transportation Business $50,000,000 $65,020,390 $11,480,317 0.77x 4.36x Logistics Company Brazil
L#20240597 30+Year-Old Apparel store offering High-quality Clothing $2,400,000 TBD TBD Fashion Retailer Portugal
L#20240596 Transport and Freight forwarding company €11,000,000 €3,095,901 €581,501 3.55x 18.92x Transportation Latvia
L#20240593 15+Year-Old Linux VPS Web-Hosting Business TBA TBD TBD Hosting Businesses United Kingdom
L#20240592 2x Affiliate Casino Websites in the Regulated Dutch Market €4,500,000 €1,000,000 4.5x TBD Casino Netherlands
L#20240591 2x Established Prosthetic Manufacturing Businesses €1,100,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Portugal
L#20240590 Historical Metal Parts Manufacturing Business €25,000,000 €9,264,000 €2,732,000 2.7x 9.15x Manufacturing Italy
L#20240589 Alcohol distribution Business €2,700,000 €6,712,890 €362,816 0.4x 7.44x Distributor Romania
L#20240588 30-Year-Old Historical Italian Packaging Manufacturing Business €3,100,000 €5,000,000 0.62x TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20240587 Gold mining Deposit TBA TBD TBD Mining Businesses Kazakhstan
L#20230586 Italian Professional Serie D Soccer Club TBA TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20230585 120-Year-Old Prestigious Italian Football Club TBA TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20230584 110+Year-Old Historical Football Club TBA TBD TBD Football Clubs Italy
L#20230583 Monaco Monte-Carlo Fashion Brand €655,000 €500,000 1.31x TBD Fashion Retailer Monaco
L#20230582 50+Year-Old Italian Automotive Manufacturing Business TBA $5,000,000 TBD TBD Auto Parts Italy
L#20230581 Construction of High-quality Boats €2,500,000 TBD TBD Yatch & Boat Servicing & Repairs Philippines
L#20230580 Logistics centre and Transport Company €11,000,000 €8,400,000 1.31x TBD Logistics Company Slovakia
L#20230576 313kW + 682 kW + 624 kW Italian HPP Portfolio of 3x Hydro Power Plants €13,500,000 €1,500,000 9x TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20230575 Geothermal Exploration Business $150,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Turkey
L#20230574 Leading Cannabis Producer with Over 100 Franchise Shops Across Europe €15,000,000 €3,750,000 €800,000 4x 18.75x Manufacturing Italy
L#20230573 Portfolio of 2x Swiss Businesses active in Metal Sheet Processing Business TBA $5,971,295 $386,279 TBD TBD Manufacturing Switzerland
L#20230572 Machine Part Mfg & Engineering for Manufacturers $950,000 $702,066 $269,611 1.35x 3.52x Auto Parts United States
L#20230571 Experienced Manufacturer of Patented Technology $1,100,000 $1,414,687 $249,341 0.78x 4.41x Electronics/Computer United States
L#20230569 Industrial Electrical and Controller Manufacturing Business $1,700,000 $1,061,621 1.6x TBD Manufacturing United States
L#20230568 Swiss Para-Banking Financial Services Business with payment services and crypto trading platform Fr.1,500,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20230566 Metal Fabrication Installation and Repair Powerhouse Business $1,790,000 $2,500,000 $400,000 0.72x 4.48x Services United States
L#20230564 Established Highly Profitable Cabinet Manufacturing Business $2,500,000 $1,850,906 $723,183 1.35x 3.46x Furniture United States
L#20230563 B2B & Distribution of Plastic Packaging $3,500,000 $4,183,404 $1,200,000 0.84x 2.92x Services United States
L#20230558 Relocatable Audio Product Designer and Manufacturer $5,000,000 $1,000,000 $300,000 5x 16.67x Audio United States
L#20230554 Dispute Resolution Software $12,500,000 TBD TBD Internet Businesses United Kingdom
L#20230552 Relocatable Popular Sporting Goods Manufacturer and Importer $8,000,000 $7,400,000 $1,250,000 1.08x 6.4x Equipment United States
L#20230550 Furniture Production Business €1,200,000 €902,348 €264,892 1.33x 4.53x Furniture Romania
L#20230549 Swiss Asset Management (AM) and Financial Advisory FINMA TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20230547 Swiss Financial Services company TBA TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20230546 Highly profitable Midwest oil and gas services business $16,250,000 $20,740,000 $5,740,000 0.78x 2.83x Gas United States
L#20230545 Family Home Contractor Servicing $39,000,000 $65,000,000 $8,000,000 0.6x 4.88x Construction Company United States
L#20230544 Profitable Exclusive Dairy Farm Business €20,000,000 €6,922,815 €2,632,348 2.89x 7.6x Agricultural Enterprises Romania
L#20230541 Aluminum Manufacturing Business $25,000,000 $5,432,814 4.6x TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20230540 Lithium Mining Deposit Business $6,000,000 TBD TBD Mining Businesses Kazakhstan
L#20230539 Digital Virtual Casino €1,529,197 €425,252 €411,460 3.6x 3.72x Casino Romania
L#20230538 Operational Profitable Furniture Manufacturing Business €1,850,000 €832,262 €11,068 2.22x 167.15x Manufacturing Romania
L#20230537 48,2 MWp Portfolio of PV Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants $55,500,000 $10,000,000 5.55x TBD Renewable Energy Turkey
L#20230535 Portfolio of 3x Brand New HPP Hydro Power Plants [approx 200MW] $250,000,000 $30,600,000 $26,000,000 8.17x 9.62x Renewable Energy Nepal
L#20230534 15-Year-Old American Telecommunication Business offering VOIP-enabled phone numbers $2,500,000 $1,000,000 2.5x TBD Internet Businesses United States
L#20230533 Japanese Musician Royalties Rights $10,000,000 $1,000,000 $1,000,000 10x 10x Audio Japan
L#20230528 Business Specialized in the Production and Sale of PVC Ornamental Panels €10,087,000 €4,773,606 €817,400 2.11x 12.34x Manufacturing Romania
L#20230526 Motor and Sailing Yachts Manufacturing Business $25,000,000 $7,000,000 3.57x TBD Manufacturing Poland
L#20230524 Beer Manufacturing Business $7,500,000 $11,001,748 $4,226,612 0.68x 1.77x Food & Beverage India
L#20230523 SAAS Natural Language Processing Business for Social Listening and Data Analytics €1,000,000 €881,000 €136,000 1.14x 7.35x Software & SAAS Spain
L#20230520 US Commercial Building Contractor Business $7,200,000 $24,255,533 $1,521,759 0.3x 4.73x Construction Company United States
L#20230519 US Landscaping Franchise and Wholesale Nursery Business $2,570,000 $3,350,834 $705,294 0.77x 3.64x Agricultural Enterprises United States
L#20230517 Waste Collection Recycling and Recovery Business €1,600,000 €3,276,727 0.49x TBD Manufacturing Romania
L#20230516 30-Year-Old Manufacturing Business of Luxury Packaging $1,050,504 $423,876 $132,298 2.48x 7.94x Manufacturing Romania
L#20230513 Historical Granite Manufacturing Business $6,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Kazakhstan
L#20230510 Finish Professional Football Club €1,300,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Finland
L#20230509 40-Year-Old MENA Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Company $45,000,000 $37,000,000 $6,279,944 1.22x 7.17x Pharma Jordan
L#20230505 American Financial Service Business $100,000,000 $37,500,000 $8,000,000 2.67x 12.5x Financial Services United States
L#20230504 Georgian Professional Football Club $3,500,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Georgia
L#20230503 10MW-Hydro Power Plant $5,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Brazil
L#20230502 All-in-one African Business Finance Technology for SMEs $2,000,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Nigeria
L#20230500 14.7MW Hydro Power Plant $3,500,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Brazil
L#20230498 33MW 4x HPP Hydro Power Plant $12,500,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Kazakhstan
L#20230496 Italian Waste Management and Recycling Businesses €1,250,000 €1,000,000 1.25x TBD Services Italy
L#20230493 200MW Solar Photovoltaic Power Plants €29,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Romania
L#20230491 Copper Mining Business with a SX-EW plant (JORC certified) $100,000,000 TBD TBD Mining Businesses Kazakhstan
L#20230490 Operative Shrimp Farm Business with 5.50 HA $1,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Vietnam
L#20230488 Printing Company offering privileged solutions TBA TBD TBD Services Turkey
L#20230487 24.00 MW Small Hydroelectric with 3x Francis Turbine TBA TBD TBD Renewable Energy Brazil
L#20230485 Designer and Manufacturing Business of Signage, Artwork & Lighting solutions TBA €1,596,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Portugal
L#20230483 Cypriot First Division Professional Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Cyprus
L#20230482 UAE Third Division League Professional Football Club $5,000,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs United Arab Emirates
L#20230480 Portuguese Professional Football Club €1,875,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Portugal
L#20230477 French Historical Professional Football Club TBA TBD TBD Football Clubs France
L#20230472 1275 kW Italian Hydro Power Plant €8,500,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20230469 90-Year-Old Quality Dairy Manufacturing Business TBA TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20230468 Environmental Packaging Solutions TBA $32,774,427 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20230466 Poultry Processing Plant $330,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Brazil
L#20230465 Modern Chicken Processing Business TBA TBD TBD Manufacturing Brazil
L#20230464 Spanish Professional Football Club TBD TBD TBD Football Clubs Spain
L#20230460 Online Cannabis Seeds Business $1,200,000 $455,657 $238,175 2.63x 5.04x Agricultural Enterprises Romania
L#20230458 Specialized nursery for the production of walnut seedlings in protected areas €2,890,000 €78,729 36.71x TBD Agricultural Enterprises Romania
L#20230455 Waste Recycling and Recovery Business $1,550,000 $3,306,777 0.47x TBD Manufacturing Romania
L#20230454 30-Year-Old Chicken Processing Manufacturing Business $575,000,000 $350,000,000 $56,100,000 1.64x 10.25x Manufacturing Brazil
L#20230453 Global Fintech Technology Business TBD TBD TBD Financial Services United States
L#20230452 UK Historical National League Football Club ₤3,200,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs United Kingdom
L#20230450 Maltese Banking Licence €5,650,000 TBD TBD Banks Malta
L#20230449 Profitable Trading Company dealing in carbon credit ₤90,000,000 ₤56,000,000 ₤1,500,000 1.61x 60x Services United Kingdom
L#20230448 Manufacturer of Oil & Gas Equipments $6,500,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Kazakhstan
L#20230446 Full-Cycle Water Factory with Maximum Automated process $4,400,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Thailand
L#20230444 Saudi Fast Growing Logistics Company $2,000,000 $2,255,000 0.89x TBD Logistics Company Saudi Arabia
L#20230441 Established E-commerce Tobacco business $4,700,000 $3,000,000 1.57x TBD E-commerce Business Sweden
L#20230439 Historical Italian Beer Brand & Manufacturing Business – “Made in Italy” €8,900,000 €2,200,000 4.05x TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20230438 French Leading Professional Football Club TBA TBD TBD Football Clubs France
L#20230435 Textile Yarn Manufacturing Company $30,000,000 $9,000,000 3.33x TBD Manufacturing India
L#20230431 450-MWp Hydro Power Plant (HPP) Project Pipeline in Brazil TBA TBD TBD Renewable Energy Brazil
L#20230430 Established Producing Oilfield Business $104,000,000 TBD TBD Oil Production Company Kazakhstan
L#20230429 7x Portfolio Hydroelectric Power Plants in Italy with 20 Years PPA [19GWh] €29,000,000 €2,319,949 12.5x TBD Renewable Energy Italy
L#20230428 American Fast-Growing VPS Web Hosting Business $5,500,000 $1,200,000 $650,000 4.58x 8.46x Hosting Businesses United States
L#20230426 1 MW Biogas Power Plant with Farm in Slovakia $20,000,000 $5,000,000 $2,000,000 4x 10x Renewable Energy Slovakia
L#20230425 Historical Certified Operating Airline Company $3,500,000 TBD TBD Aviation Kazakhstan
L#20230421 French Professional Football Club on the French Riviera TBA TBD TBD Football Clubs France
L#20230420 11-GWp Photovoltaics (PV) Project Pipeline in USA $150,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy United States
L#20230419 1-GWp Photovoltaics (PV) Project Pipeline in Romania $195,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy Romania
L#20230416 High End Luxury Clothing Line $2,223,000 TBD TBD Fashion Retailer United States
L#20230413 Lithuanian 1st-Division Legendary Football Club $1,000,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Lithuania
L#20220408 Brazilian Web Hosting Business serving 800,000+ clients $2,500,000 TBD TBD Hosting Businesses Brazil
L#20220407 30-Year-Old Business Producing Architectural Glass $16,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20220406 Stock Market Broker House with 35,000+ clients $5,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Bangladesh
L#20220404 Company specializing in US securities & exchange commission compliance services $4,000,000 $1,000,000 $400,000 4x 10x Financial Services United States
L#20220401 Profitable Knitwear Business with Western Customers $3,750,000 $2,868,576 1.31x TBD Manufacturing Bangladesh
L#20220399 Production of High-precision CNC Metal-cutting Machines $4,668,171 $373,452 TBD 12.5x Manufacturing Russia
L#20220398 Large-scale Food Production Business $15,560,570 $1,867,260 TBD 8.33x Manufacturing Russia
L#20220397 Russian Intermodal Logistics Terminal $62,242,280 TBD TBD Transportation Russia
L#20220396 30-Year-Old Confectionery Factory TBA TBD TBD Manufacturing Russia
L#20220393 Premium Coal Mining Business TBD $1,137,456 $963,601 TBD TBD Mining Businesses Kazakhstan
L#20220391 Oil State-of-the-art modern storage $55,000,000 $5,000,000 11x TBD Oil Production Company United Arab Emirates
L#20220389 Deposit of Bauxite and Aluminum TBD TBD TBD Mining Businesses Kazakhstan
L#20220381 Leading Independent Hosting Collocation Data Center Company $20,000,000 $4,620,000 $1,400,000 4.33x 14.29x Data Centers Turkey
L#20220379 Copper-Cobalt Mining Project $50,000,000 TBD TBD Mining Businesses Congo
L#20220374 20-Year-Old Information Technology Business $10,000,000 $2,730,000 $645,000 3.66x 15.5x Hardware and Software Turkey
L#20220371 Turkish Data Center $10,000,000 TBD TBD Data Centers Turkey
L#20220369 17-Year-Old Hong Kong Licence (SFC) $1,300,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Hong Kong
L#20220368 Crypto Mining Monitor and Management Software $2,500,000 TBD TBD Software & SAAS Estonia
L#20220364 Accounting Software Business TBD TBD TBD Software & SAAS United Arab Emirates
L#20220361 American market research Business $25,000,000 TBD TBD Services United States
L#20220360 Global market research Company $10,000,000 $2,650,000 3.77x TBD Services India
L#20220359 Leading Health Medical Portal with 50M Visitors per Year $15,000,000 TBD TBD Medical Businesses India
L#20220355 Established Web Hosting Business TBD TBD TBD Hosting Businesses Argentina
L#20220354 European Authorized Electronic Money Institutions (EMIs) €13,000,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Lithuania
L#20220353 Emerging Leader in CPaaS specialized in SMS, WhatsApp and voice solutions $75,000,000 $25,000,000 3x TBD Software & SAAS India
L#20220347 Gold Mining Project $16,000,000 TBD TBD Mining Businesses Saudi Arabia
L#20220345 Established Shopping Mall Center €90,000,000 €6,500,000 13.85x TBD Hotels & Real Estate Bulgaria
L#20220343 Established Production of Tungsten-Trioxide $150,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Uzbekistan
L#20220342 30-Year-Old Industrial Chemical Manufacturing Business $30,000,000 $20,000,000 1.5x TBD Manufacturing India
L#20220341 Leading Aluminum Screen Frame Manufacturing Business TBA TBD TBD Manufacturing India
L#20220339 10-Year-Old High-Speed VPN with USA, UK, European customers $1,500,000 $730,000 2.05x TBD VPN Canada
L#20220338 Established Great Amusement Water Park €45,000,000 €3,000,000 15x TBD Entertainment Romania
L#20220336 Manufacturer and Distributor of Industrial Equipment & Consumable Supplies $14,000,000 $16,000,000 $3,000,000 0.88x 4.67x Manufacturing Singapore
L#20220331 French Historical Football Club $3,500,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs France
L#20220329 CPaaS Business providing APIs for SMS, Email, Voice, Authentication $25,000,000 $8,000,000 3.13x TBD Software & SAAS India
L#20220328 Manufacturer of Aluminum profiles with 12,000T capacity €6,000,000 €7,000,000 0.86x TBD Manufacturing India
L#20220327 PET Bottles Manufacturing Business $14,000,000 $7,410,000 1.89x TBD Manufacturing Vietnam
L#20220326 10-Year-Old Top Aquafeed Producers with EU Customers $130,000,000 $10,000,000 13x TBD Manufacturing Vietnam
L#20220324 Automatic & semi-automatic Water bottling Plant €4,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Serbia
L#20220312 30-Year-Old Luxury Clothing Manufacturing Business €3,100,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Bulgaria
L#20220310 Italian Luxury Eyewear Brands $1,000,000 TBD TBD Fashion Retailer Italy
L#20220309 European Accredited Ferrari™ Club TBD TBD TBD Automotive Italy
L#20220308 Spanish Football Club “Tercera División RFEF” $4,500,000 TBD TBD Football Clubs Spain
L#20220307 Asset Management Business €7,500,000 €4,250,000 €1,750,000 1.76x 4.29x Financial Services Bahamas
L#20220298 American Web Hosting Service offering SEO Hosting, SSD VPS, Dedicated Server $1,250,000 $629,000 1.99x TBD Hosting Businesses United States
L#20220295 Unique Patented Cosmetic Brand with Authoritative Presence $2,850,000 $1,008,218 2.83x TBD Beauty United States
L#20220291 20-Year-Old US IaaS, Cloud Web Hosting BareMetal Servers with DDoS Protection $20,000,000 $5,500,000 3.64x TBD Hosting Businesses United States
L#20220287 Importer-Exporter of Oil and Gas Equipments $5,400,000 TBD TBD Equipment United Arab Emirates
L#20220279 Portfolio of 2x Well-Known SME Trucking Businesses €1,500,000 €3,200,000 €300,000 0.47x 5x Logistics Company Portugal
L#20220277 25-Year-Old Water Purification and Filtration Company €6,000,000 €1,650,000 €660,000 3.64x 9.09x Manufacturing Croatia
L#20220270 20-Year-Old American Web Hosting Brand offering VPS, Dedicated Hosting to USA/EU Customers TBA TBD TBD Hosting Businesses United States
L#20220269 Operational Gold Mine in Exploration $15,000,000 TBD TBD Mining Businesses Kyrgyzstan
L#20220264 10-Year-Old FCA BFSI IFPRU Firm ₤1,000,000 ₤450,000 2.22x TBD Financial Services United Kingdom
L#20220260 10-Year-Old Brokerage Firm TBD $530,000 TBD TBD Financial Services United Kingdom
L#20220257 Swiss FINMA Assets Management Company / Crypto Management TBD TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20220238 Online Business / Marketplace proving Academic Writing Service $2,250,000 $968,000 $721,000 2.32x 3.12x Internet Businesses United States
L#20220235 Cannabis Farm (non-psychoactive Cannabis or recreational Cannabis) $13,000,000 TBD TBD Medical Businesses Uruguay
L#20210456 Chicken Processing Manufacturing Business $27,000,000 $17,890,558 $2,504,678 1.51x 10.78x Manufacturing Brazil
L#20210201 6-Year-Old Business offering Data Analytics & Monitoring Solution €3,500,000 TBD TBD Internet Businesses Italy
L#20210189 15 year old Production of Bakery $2,350,000 $2,480,000 $420,000 0.95x 5.6x Manufacturing Russia
L#20210176 20-Year Old Leading Manufacturing Business of Aluminum Profile $60,000,000 $15,000,000 4x TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20210171 15-Year Old BPO Call Center with 5000+ Employees $29,000,000 $13,500,000 2.15x TBD Call Center India
L#20210169 Manufacturing Business of High Quality Patented Merchandising for Famous Football Clubs $1,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing United Kingdom
L#20210163 Specialist global Ambulance publishing Business TBA TBD TBD Media Business United Kingdom
L#20210161 20-Year Old FIFA Accredited Colored SBR Granule Manufacturing Business €4,500,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing Turkey
L#20210160 Manufacturer / Distributor and Reseller of CNC Turning and Milling of Metals Parts $6,000,000 $3,100,000 $465,000 1.94x 12.9x Manufacturing Turkey
L#20210150 Animal Feed Manufacturing Business $6,000,000 TBD TBD Manufacturing India
L#20210126 USA Solar Portfolio PV Power Plants [13,7GWp] $60,000,000 TBD TBD Renewable Energy United States
L#20210125 10-Year Old Fast Growing Web Hosting Company with 50% USA UK AU Customers TBD $400,000 TBD TBD Hosting Businesses United Kingdom
L#20210119 Manufacturing Business of Fashion Mannequins & Accessories €1,250,000 €970,000 €300,000 1.29x 4.17x Manufacturing Russia
L#20210109 20-Year Old Pharmaceutical South American Brand $11,500,000 $2,000,000 $450,000 5.75x 25.56x Manufacturing Colombia
L#20210104 Tool Box Manufacturing Business €7,000,000 €4,300,000 €1,290,000 1.63x 5.43x Manufacturing Turkey
L#20210101 Gold Mining Exploration “Ridley Lake” TBD TBD TBD Mining Businesses Canada
L#20210100 Gold Mining Exploration “Oberzeiring Polymetallic Project” TBD TBD TBD Mining Businesses Austria
L#20210099 Gold Mining Exploration Project “Pusterwald” TBD TBD TBD Mining Businesses Austria
L#20210093 Italian Pasta Manufacturer Business “Made in Italy” TBD TBD TBD Manufacturing Italy
L#20210075 #1 Retail Luxury Glasses Optical Chain in Egypt $3,500,000 $1,850,000 $630,000 1.89x 5.56x Fashion Retailer Egypt
L#20210066 30 Year Old Medical Center Diagnostics Center (140,000 Customers) $3,800,000 $520,000 TBD 7.31x Medical Businesses Russia
L#20210063 Manufacturer of Aluminum Profile $60,000,000 $14,900,000 $1,900,000 4.03x 31.58x Manufacturing Turkey
L#20210058 Catalogue of Master Recordings €60,000,000 TBD TBD Music United States
L#20210052 Mushroom Production Business TBD TBD TBD Manufacturing Belarus
L#20210050 Singapore Major Payment Institution (MPI) License $2,500,000 TBD TBD Shelf Companies Singapore
L#20210049 UK (FCA) Matched Principal Brokers $1,500,000 TBD TBD Shelf Companies United Kingdom
L#20210048 Capital Markets Services (CMS) $4,000,000 TBD TBD Shelf Companies Singapore
L#20210016 40 Year Old Rx-pharma Manufacturing Business $12,000,000 $1,900,000 6.32x TBD Manufacturing India
L#20210015 4 Stars Luxury Beach Hotel Inn & Casino €12,000,000 TBD TBD Hotels & Real Estate Bulgaria
L#20210013 40 Year Old Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Business $40,000,000 $25,000,000 $3,000,000 1.6x 13.33x Manufacturing India
L#20210008 17Y Old SAAS Business Selling Best Online Gigs Ideas $4,500,000 TBD TBD Software & SAAS Israel
L#20210007 Network of Hosting Companies in Central America / African Continent $2,000,000 TBD TBD Internet Businesses Poland
L#20200779 Airport for Sale in Bulgaria, Europe €20,000,000 TBD TBD Airport Bulgaria
L#20200578 Swiss multi-function crypto exchange and payment and banking service provider Fr.2,500,000 TBD TBD Financial Services Switzerland
L#20200411 Houston Based Video Sharing Portal / High Potential $500,000 $200,000 $150,000 2.5x 3.33x Media Business United States
L#20200389 Public Relations Company $490,000 $450,000 $285,000 1.09x 1.72x Advertising United States
Listing IDNameTarget PriceGross RevenueEBITDATarget Price / RevenueTarget Price / EBITDATypeCountryDetail
Showing 1 to 407 of 407 entries

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