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    Marble Quarry Business



    The Company is willing to receive external investment for the reactivation of the quarry in order to re-create the working area and to start setting up the equipment and the team.

    According this purpose,partnership will be provided by mutual negotiations with the companies that will provide the necessary financing.

    Serpantiniterock is quarried in the marble quarry owned by the company. This marble type, with its colour tone similar to mineral malachite, eye-catching patterns, natural and authentic texture, has been used in many countries of the world.

    Experimental and test reports of serpantinite rock were made.

    Serpantinite rock is considered as a high level marble both in terms of cost and in terms of harmonious weight. It is in perfect harmony with all colours as well as being used alone in designs and projects.

    SerpantiniteMarble prices are a bit expensive compared to other marble types. These rare stones in green tones, which create a perfect atmosphere thanks to LED lighting with their low wastage rate and almost bullet-proof quality structure, are preferred especially in high-cost projects and luxury places, so the market value of this stone is high.

    Serpantinite Marble is mined only in a few countries in the world such as Austria, France and India. While this rare green marble is of lower quality in India, there are higher quality and rarer types in our country.


    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue




    Business ID:





    Business ID:L#20240629
    Target Price: TBD
    Gross Revenue:TBA
    Target Price / Revenue:TBD
    Target Price / EBITDA:TBD
    Contact M&A Advisor

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      The Company is willing to receive external investment for the reactivation of the quarry in order to re-create the working area and to start setting up the equipment and the team.

      According this purpose,partnership will be provided by mutual negotiations with the companies that will provide the necessary financing.

      Serpantiniterock is quarried in the marble quarry owned by the company. This marble type, with its colour tone similar to mineral malachite, eye-catching patterns, natural and authentic texture, has been used in many countries of the world.

      Experimental and test reports of serpantinite rock were made.

      Serpantinite rock is considered as a high level marble both in terms of cost and in terms of harmonious weight. It is in perfect harmony with all colours as well as being used alone in designs and projects.

      SerpantiniteMarble prices are a bit expensive compared to other marble types. These rare stones in green tones, which create a perfect atmosphere thanks to LED lighting with their low wastage rate and almost bullet-proof quality structure, are preferred especially in high-cost projects and luxury places, so the market value of this stone is high.

      Serpantinite Marble is mined only in a few countries in the world such as Austria, France and India. While this rare green marble is of lower quality in India, there are higher quality and rarer types in our country.


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