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    25-Year-Old Water Purification and Filtration Company



    The company was founded back in October 1994 as a company for consulting and delivery of technological equipment in a sphere of technology, drinking and waste waters. After few years of work, the company has made profits in delivery of water purification equipment, especially technology – demineralization units and systems, just like laboratory type waters, spotless waters and reverse – osmosis technologies., EDI, systems etc.

    With the constant education of its employers in factories in the USA, Germany etc., the company is improving at its surroundings and market conditions in Croatia and the countries near buy in EU. The company is now well recognized with its precise delivery and service dates, correct relationships with its buyers (most of them cooperate with them for already 25 years) and constantly improvement of its offers.

    Company is working in 95 % all the hospitals and health centers, car wash systems oil industry, beverage and others, Pharma Industry.

    The company also has its own service center 0-24, 7 day per week. In the meantime, the company is growing, the new production space was built, just like examination station for RO units, new technologies on basis of electrodionisation are beeing accepted, just like increase of water quality for purposes of semiconduct industry, and water production for hemodyalises purposes. , and pharma industry as well.

    Producing now reverse osmozis unit on daily basic capacities from 10 – 10 000 liters per hour, for industry , hospitals sterilizations , Pharma ind. , food and beverige etc.

    Since few years has a product for PHARMA industry. Reverse osmosis units GMP with complete documentation of GMP, complete loops in SS orbital welding with heat sanitization. Has been made also own PLC and software for this applications as well as for standards units.

    With its development plans, the company is being put next to most developed small corporation areas with a goal of growing activities in these surroundings, wishing to extend on markets outside Croatian borders and also to make it even stronger in our region.

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue




    Business ID:





    Business ID:L#20220277
    Property Type:Manufacturing
    Property Status:For Sale
    Target Price: €6,000,000
    Gross Revenue:€1,650,000
    Target Price / Revenue:3.64x
    Target Price / EBITDA:9.09x
    Contact M&A Advisor


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      The company was founded back in October 1994 as a company for consulting and delivery of technological equipment in a sphere of technology, drinking and waste waters. After few years of work, the company has made profits in delivery of water purification equipment, especially technology – demineralization units and systems, just like laboratory type waters, spotless waters and reverse – osmosis technologies., EDI, systems etc.

      With the constant education of its employers in factories in the USA, Germany etc., the company is improving at its surroundings and market conditions in Croatia and the countries near buy in EU. The company is now well recognized with its precise delivery and service dates, correct relationships with its buyers (most of them cooperate with them for already 25 years) and constantly improvement of its offers.

      Company is working in 95 % all the hospitals and health centers, car wash systems oil industry, beverage and others, Pharma Industry.

      The company also has its own service center 0-24, 7 day per week. In the meantime, the company is growing, the new production space was built, just like examination station for RO units, new technologies on basis of electrodionisation are beeing accepted, just like increase of water quality for purposes of semiconduct industry, and water production for hemodyalises purposes. , and pharma industry as well.

      Producing now reverse osmozis unit on daily basic capacities from 10 – 10 000 liters per hour, for industry , hospitals sterilizations , Pharma ind. , food and beverige etc.

      Since few years has a product for PHARMA industry. Reverse osmosis units GMP with complete documentation of GMP, complete loops in SS orbital welding with heat sanitization. Has been made also own PLC and software for this applications as well as for standards units.

      With its development plans, the company is being put next to most developed small corporation areas with a goal of growing activities in these surroundings, wishing to extend on markets outside Croatian borders and also to make it even stronger in our region.

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