Gui Falabella

US M&A Advisor

Miami, United States

CONTACT Gui Falabella

Sao Paolo, Brazil Miami, United States
Portuguese, English


Senior business development and relationship professional, with 10+ years of experience in sales, leadership, general management and business operations.

Guilherme Falabella, is originally from Brazil, where he holds an Associate degree in Entrepreneurship, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a post-graduation in Logistics. Gui obtained a Master’s Degree in Finance from Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL.

Gui has had a diverse professional career, spanning from banking to manufacturing, as well as business consulting. As an entrepreneur, Gui operated restaurants, bowling alleys, clothing retail stores and construction-related companies. Since 2018 Gui has been acting as a licensed business intermediary in the State of Florida, both in Central and South Florida regions.

Senior business development and relationship professional, with 10+ years of experience in sales, leadership, general management and business operations.

Guilherme Falabella, is originally from Brazil, where he holds an Associate degree in Entrepreneurship, a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and a post-graduation in Logistics. Gui obtained a Master’s Degree in Finance from Lynn University in Boca Raton, FL.

Gui has had a diverse professional career, spanning from banking to manufacturing, as well as business consulting. As an entrepreneur, Gui operated restaurants, bowling alleys, clothing retail stores and construction-related companies. Since 2018 Gui has been acting as a licensed business intermediary in the State of Florida, both in Central and South Florida regions.

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