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    Manufacturer / Distributor and Reseller of CNC Turning and Milling of Metals Parts



    The company for sale is a Manufacturing Distributor and Reseller of CNC Turning and Milling of Metals Parts divided in 3x entities:

    Company 1: Established in 2013, having 45 employees, manufacturing company (machine shop) specializes in CNC turning and milling of metals (bar, casting, forging, sheet metal etc.).

    Company 2: Established in 2011, having 9 employees, specialized in trading, providing service to its international global industrial companies as Tier1 or Tier2 supplier serving for 15 different sectors.

    The company has a strong established network of clients in Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, Romania, Finland, Italy, Denmark, Hungary and Sweden.
    Company is active in producing the same parts every year. Production is continue generally along the lifetime of products. The design of parties are belong to the clients, manufacturing company produce the parts according to clients preference and instructions.

    2019 Consolidated Sales (USD) $3,200,000 USD
    2019 EBITDA (USD) $700,000 USD

    2020 Consolidated Sales (USD) $3,100,000 USD
    2020 EBITDA (USD) $647,000 USD

    2021 (6 Months) Consolidated Sales (USD) $1,800,000 USD
    2021 (6 Months) EBITDA (USD) $365,000 USD

    Company 3: Established in 2019, having 4 employees, a design, research and development company located in a technopark (in a University Campus) involving new products for the market.

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue




    Business ID:





    Business ID:L#20210160
    Target Price: $6,000,000
    Gross Revenue:$3,100,000
    Target Price / Revenue:1.94x
    Target Price / EBITDA:12.9x
    Reason for Selling:Retirement
    Contact M&A Advisor

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      The company for sale is a Manufacturing Distributor and Reseller of CNC Turning and Milling of Metals Parts divided in 3x entities:

      Company 1: Established in 2013, having 45 employees, manufacturing company (machine shop) specializes in CNC turning and milling of metals (bar, casting, forging, sheet metal etc.).

      Company 2: Established in 2011, having 9 employees, specialized in trading, providing service to its international global industrial companies as Tier1 or Tier2 supplier serving for 15 different sectors.

      The company has a strong established network of clients in Germany, France, Ireland, Austria, Romania, Finland, Italy, Denmark, Hungary and Sweden.
      Company is active in producing the same parts every year. Production is continue generally along the lifetime of products. The design of parties are belong to the clients, manufacturing company produce the parts according to clients preference and instructions.

      2019 Consolidated Sales (USD) $3,200,000 USD
      2019 EBITDA (USD) $700,000 USD

      2020 Consolidated Sales (USD) $3,100,000 USD
      2020 EBITDA (USD) $647,000 USD

      2021 (6 Months) Consolidated Sales (USD) $1,800,000 USD
      2021 (6 Months) EBITDA (USD) $365,000 USD

      Company 3: Established in 2019, having 4 employees, a design, research and development company located in a technopark (in a University Campus) involving new products for the market.

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