
Founded in 2003, this company is one of the world's leading freelance marketplaces, matching highly-skilled, pre-screened, experts with high-value projects from around the world in more than 600 different categories and skill set ...


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Founded in 2003, this company is one of the world’s leading freelance marketplaces, matching highly-skilled, pre-screened, experts with high-value projects from around the world in more than 600 different categories and skill sets.

The website connects clients with professionals, experts and freelancers primarily in web development, programming, graphics, sales & marketing, writing, translation, and more)

The business model is based on subscription (SaaS), with three main plans: 1 Month / 3 Months / 12 Months as well as certified expert membership, hot projects, one-time bids and more.

• 17 Years Old
• 4 Employees (2 Senior Java JS Developers / 2 Customers Service)
• Israel Limited Company
• 250,000 users internationally, 60% based in Israel
• Big Corp Customers like eBay, Google Microsoft, Yahoo, Intel, HP, Groupon and more
• All projects are pre-approved by the management (no automatization), this ensures high quality gigs
• Business model scalable in all jurisdictions
• Average Project Size: $2,000 USD
• Google Top 3 for many keywords in Israel
• Approx 85% – 90% EBITDA
• (Stable Income / Profits during the last 5 years)
• (13 Years Tax Returns from Israeli Tax Authorities)

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