6.40MW Italian PV Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant


Property Types

  • 28% Renewable Energy
  • 14% Manufacturing
  • 13% Financial Services
  • 45% Other

Property Status

  • 100% For Sale

Property Cities

  • 11% London
  • 7% Almaty
  • 7% Torino
  • 75% Other

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Photovoltaic projects in Campania, a region located in the southern part of Italy, have gained significant traction in recent years. With its abundant sunlight and favorable climate conditions, Campania has emerged as a prime location for the development of photovoltaic projects.

One of the most notable photovoltaic projects in Campania is the Montalto di Castro photovoltaic power station. This massive solar farm covers an area of over 350 hectares and has a generating capacity of 84 MW. It is one of the largest photovoltaic projects in Italy and has helped to significantly increase the region’s renewable energy capacity.

Another important photovoltaic project in Campania is the Benevento Solar Park, located in the province of Benevento. This solar park covers an area of 40 hectares and has a generating capacity of 10 MW. It provides clean and sustainable energy to the local community and helps to reduce carbon emissions in the region.

The development of photovoltaic projects in Campania has been driven by both governmental policies and private investment. The Italian government has set ambitious targets for the production of renewable energy, and photovoltaic projects play a key role in achieving these goals. In addition, the region of Campania offers incentives and subsidies for the development of photovoltaic projects, making it an attractive destination for investors.

Private companies have also played a significant role in the development of photovoltaic projects in Campania. With the cost of solar panels decreasing and the efficiency of photovoltaic technology increasing, more and more companies are investing in solar energy projects in the region. These companies not only benefit from the financial incentives provided by the government but also contribute to the transition towards clean and sustainable energy sources.

The growth of photovoltaic projects in Campania has had a positive impact on the local economy. The development of solar farms has created jobs in the region, both during the construction phase and in the operation and maintenance of the projects. In addition, the increased production of renewable energy has helped to reduce the region’s dependence on fossil fuels, leading to a more sustainable energy system.



Municipality: TBA
Suitable land area: approximately 12,635 ha
Rated power (AC): 6,390.0 kWac
Peak power (DC): 7,182.0 kWdc
Installation type: On the ground with mono axial tracker
Solar resource Global horizontal irradiation: 1,688.5 kWh/m2
Energy yield: (year 1)
Specific production: 1,870.7 kWh/kWp
Performance: Ratio 84.68 %
Total energy injected (year1): 13.44 GWh YEAR
Construction cost/MW €750,000.00/MW
Connection times and costs 137 working days / €178,556.73


Total surface area: approximately 12,635 ha: Value of the land €920,000.00

Purchase of “Ready to Built” design: Value at MWac including commissions €140,000.00/MWac

MergersCorp M&A
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