Gasdotto solare agrivoltaico fotovoltaico italiano da 28,80 MW

Investing in photovoltaic power plants in Italy can be a lucrative opportunity for several reasons. Italy has a favorable climate with abundant sunshine, making it an ideal location for harnessing solar energy. In recent years, th ...


Businesses for sale in Caltanisetta

Caltanissetta, a charming city in central Sicily, Italy, is steeped in history and surrounded by picturesque landscapes. Nestled among rolling hills, the city boasts architectural treasures like the imposing Cathedral of Santa Maria la Nova and the Baroque-style Church of San Sebastiano. Caltanissetta is renowned for its vibrant cultural scene, hosting various festivals and events throughout the year, showcasing Sicilian traditions and local craftsmanship. The city is also a gateway to the beautiful countryside, with vineyards and olive groves dotting the landscape. Rich in culinary delights, Caltanissetta offers a taste of authentic Sicilian cuisine, making it a must-visit destination for history enthusiasts and food connoisseurs alike.

Investing in photovoltaic power plants in Italy can be a lucrative opportunity for several reasons. Italy has a favorable climate with abundant sunshine, making it an ideal location for harnessing solar energy. In recent years, the country has implemented attractive feed-in tariffs and government incentives to promote the development of renewable energy sources, including photovoltaic power plants.

Italy’s commitment to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and transitioning towards clean energy has led to a growing demand for solar power. This demand, coupled with incentives, creates a favorable investment climate. Additionally, Italy boasts a well-established infrastructure and a stable regulatory framework, providing a secure environment for investments in the photovoltaic sector.

Investors can also benefit from the country’s strategic location in Europe, making it an excellent gateway to export solar energy to neighboring countries. The Italian photovoltaic market offers opportunities for both large-scale utility projects as well as smaller, distributed generation systems, allowing investors to cater to different customer segments.

Moreover, investing in photovoltaic power plants aligns with Italy’s broader energy transition goals and contributes to the country’s sustainable development efforts. This can enhance the reputation of investors and attract support from various stakeholders.

Overall, investing in photovoltaic power plants in Italy presents a promising prospect for financial returns, while also supporting the country’s renewable energy objectives and contributing to the global fight against climate change.


Project Type: PV-Agrivoltaics
Status: STMG
Location: Mazzarino, Sicily, Italy
Total Area: 42 Ha
Land Rights: Leasing
Installed Power Capacity: 28,80 MW
Grid Connection Line: 150kW
Total PV Modules: 42,666 (675 Wp)
Total Inverter: 288 (100 kW)
Existing crop: Almond grove, average height 2.4 metres*
Price: Co Develpment 45K EUR per MW

*Land is available directly to the owner’s surface area, in direct coltivator quality, and to guarantee the management and collection of the fund.  All agricultural products, including the DDS barrel, will not be damaged by the owner.

Agri-voltaic system, requirements

1. REQUIREMENT A: The system is designed and implemented in such a way as to adopt a spatial configuration and appropriate technological choices, such as to allow the integration between agricultural activity and electricity production and enhance the production potential of both subsystems;

2. REQUIREMENT B: The agrivoltaic system is operated, during its technical life, in such a way as to guarantee the synergistic production of electricity and agricultural products and not compromise the continuity of agricultural and pastoral activity;

3. REQUIREMENT C: The agrivoltaic system adopts innovative integrated solutions with modules raised from the ground. , aimed at optimizing the performance of the agrivoltaic system both in energy and agricultural terms;

4. REQUIREMENT D: The agrivoltaic system is equipped with a monitoring system that allows you to verify the impact on crops, water saving, agricultural productivity for the different types of crops and the continuity of the activities of the agricultural companies involved;

5. REQUIREMENT E: The agrivoltaic system is equipped with a monitoring system which, in addition to complying with requirement D, allows the recovery of soil fertility, the microclimate and resilience to climate change to be verified.

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