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    HPP Pipeline of 5x Italian Hydroelectric Power Plants



    Italy’s hydroelectric power sector holds a significant place in the country’s energy landscape. With its diverse terrain and numerous rivers, Italy has leveraged the power of water for centuries to generate electricity. The nation’s reliance on hydroelectricity is rooted in its commitment to renewable energy sources, which not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also provide a reliable source of electricity.

    Hydroelectric power plants in Italy are primarily located in the northern regions of Lombardy, Piedmont, and Veneto, where the Alps and the abundance of rivers offer ideal conditions for harnessing hydroelectric energy. The northern regions, characterized by their mountainous landscapes and extensive water resources, have played a pivotal role in the country’s hydroelectric development.

    Italy’s hydroelectric power capacity is impressive, boasting a total installed capacity of around 19,000 megawatts. This capacity makes Italy one of the leading producers of hydroelectricity in Europe. The sector contributes significantly to the country’s energy mix, making it a vital component of Italy’s commitment to clean and sustainable energy sources. Hydroelectricity is particularly important in Italy’s efforts to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.

    One notable aspect of Italy’s hydroelectric sector is its balance between large-scale and small-scale projects. While larger hydropower plants play a crucial role in meeting the country’s energy demands, smaller, distributed hydroelectric facilities are also widespread. These smaller plants often utilize smaller rivers and streams, contributing to Italy’s decentralized energy production.

    Italy’s commitment to hydroelectric power extends beyond its national borders. The country is actively involved in international collaborations, particularly with its Alpine neighbors, to optimize and expand hydroelectric infrastructure in the region. These efforts aim to improve energy security, increase production efficiency, and promote cross-border energy trade, benefiting not only Italy but also its neighboring countries.

    In conclusion, Italy’s hydroelectric power situation is marked by its rich history of utilizing water resources and a contemporary commitment to renewable energy. With a diverse mix of large and small-scale projects, Italy’s hydroelectric sector remains a key player in the country’s transition to sustainable and clean energy sources. As Italy continues to invest in this sector, its role in shaping the future of European energy generation is poised to grow.

    For sale a Pipeline of 5x HPPs Hydroelectric Power Plant Plants, 0ne full in operation, four to be built.


    • Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant Plant 1 and Plant 2 (Province of Siena, Italy) – OPERATIVE
    • Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant Plant 3 (Province of Florence, Italy) – READY TO BUILD STATUS
    • Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant Plant 4 (Province of Florence, Italy) – (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)
    • Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant Plant 5 (Province of Florence, Italy) – (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

    Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 1 already built, average nominal concession power: 151 KW (OPERATIVE)

    • Expected productivity 1,100,001 KWh per year;
    • Tariff assigned: TO €0.1405 x KWh;
    • GSE agreement expiry: /31/2036;
    • Water concession expires in 2050
    • Property and land owned;

    Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 2 to be built, authorized and ready for construction, average nominal concession power: 399 KW (READY TO BUILD)

    • Expected productivity 900,000 KWh per year;
    • Tariff assigned: registered in the FER1 DM 2019 ranking TO €0.195 – €0.155 x KWh;
    • Water concession expires in 2050;
    • Property and land owned, advance occupancy obtained for areas to be served;
    • TSAP authorization title appeal pending. Last collegial hearing scheduled for 06/28/2023;
    • Construction cost approximately 2 million;

    Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 3 (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

    • Expected productivity approximately 8,000,000 KWh per year;
    • Under development / authorization, average nominal concession power : 993 KW
    • Water/ bridle rights already acquired; TSAP judgment pending. Preliminary hearing scheduled for 03/08/2023;
    • Estimated deadline for construction 31/12/2025;
    • Construction cost approximately 6 million;

    Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 4 (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

    • Expected productivity approximately 8,000,000 KWh per year;
    • Water/ bridle rights already acquired;
    • Estimated deadline for construction /12/2024/31
    • Under development / authorization, average nominal concession power 995 KW
    • Exclusion from EIA already obtained;
    • Construction cost approximately 6 million;

    Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 5 (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

    • Expected productivity approximately 8,000,000 KWh per year;
    • Under development / authorization, average nominal concession power: 997 KW
    • Water/ bridle rights already acquired;
    • Estimated deadline for construction /12/2024/31
    • Exclusion from EIA already obtained;
    • Construction cost approximately 6 million;

    Basic Details

    Target Price:


    Gross Revenue




    Business ID:





    Business ID:L#20230562
    Property Type:Renewable Energy
    Property Status:For Sale
    Target Price: TBA
    Gross Revenue:TBA
    Target Price / Revenue:TBD
    Target Price / EBITDA:TBD
    Contact M&A Advisor


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      Italy’s hydroelectric power sector holds a significant place in the country’s energy landscape. With its diverse terrain and numerous rivers, Italy has leveraged the power of water for centuries to generate electricity. The nation’s reliance on hydroelectricity is rooted in its commitment to renewable energy sources, which not only help reduce greenhouse gas emissions but also provide a reliable source of electricity.

      Hydroelectric power plants in Italy are primarily located in the northern regions of Lombardy, Piedmont, and Veneto, where the Alps and the abundance of rivers offer ideal conditions for harnessing hydroelectric energy. The northern regions, characterized by their mountainous landscapes and extensive water resources, have played a pivotal role in the country’s hydroelectric development.

      Italy’s hydroelectric power capacity is impressive, boasting a total installed capacity of around 19,000 megawatts. This capacity makes Italy one of the leading producers of hydroelectricity in Europe. The sector contributes significantly to the country’s energy mix, making it a vital component of Italy’s commitment to clean and sustainable energy sources. Hydroelectricity is particularly important in Italy’s efforts to reduce its dependence on fossil fuels and mitigate climate change.

      One notable aspect of Italy’s hydroelectric sector is its balance between large-scale and small-scale projects. While larger hydropower plants play a crucial role in meeting the country’s energy demands, smaller, distributed hydroelectric facilities are also widespread. These smaller plants often utilize smaller rivers and streams, contributing to Italy’s decentralized energy production.

      Italy’s commitment to hydroelectric power extends beyond its national borders. The country is actively involved in international collaborations, particularly with its Alpine neighbors, to optimize and expand hydroelectric infrastructure in the region. These efforts aim to improve energy security, increase production efficiency, and promote cross-border energy trade, benefiting not only Italy but also its neighboring countries.

      In conclusion, Italy’s hydroelectric power situation is marked by its rich history of utilizing water resources and a contemporary commitment to renewable energy. With a diverse mix of large and small-scale projects, Italy’s hydroelectric sector remains a key player in the country’s transition to sustainable and clean energy sources. As Italy continues to invest in this sector, its role in shaping the future of European energy generation is poised to grow.

      For sale a Pipeline of 5x HPPs Hydroelectric Power Plant Plants, 0ne full in operation, four to be built.


      Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 1 already built, average nominal concession power: 151 KW (OPERATIVE)

      Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 2 to be built, authorized and ready for construction, average nominal concession power: 399 KW (READY TO BUILD)

      Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 3 (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

      Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 4 (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

      Italian Hydroelectric Power Plant 5 (READY TO BUILD IN 12-24 Months)

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